Land north of Godwin Way – Appeal
An appeal has been lodged for the following application:
- Appellant’s Name: William Lacey Group
- Site Location: Land North Of, Godwin Way, Fishbourne, West Sussex
- Proposed Development: The development of 4 no. new dwellings (3 no. 3-beds and 1 no. 2 beds) including the provision of a new vehicular access onto Blackboy Lane, a new pedestrian crossing on Blackboy Lane, parking, landscaping and all other associated works.
- Application No: 22/02542/FUL
- DCLG Ref No: APP/L3815/W/23/3323748
The Parish Council has submitted two extensive objection documents for this application and these can be viewed here:
If you have already commented on this application, then the Inspector will read your comments as part of the appeal process. If you wish to elaborate, or modify/withdraw your previous comments, you can do so on the Inspectorate Website at
If you do not have access to the internet, you can send your comments to the Planning Inspectorate at this address:
- The Planning Inspectorate
- FAO – Sean Ernsting Room 3D, Temple Quay
- House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN
All representations must be received by 9th January 2024. Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge representations. All representations must quote the appeal reference, FB/22/02542/FUL.
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