safer sussex

Funding boost for Emperor Way lights

Fishbourne Parish Council has received a grant of £2500 from the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Community Safety Fund.

The Fund provides grants up to £5,000 to local organisations and projects that deliver a lasting and positive impact on the local community.

Lynda Hunter, who accepted the grant award on behalf of Fishbourne Parish Council, explains how the funding will help improve community safety in Fishbourne.  She said: “We are delighted to have been awarded this grant from the Commissioner’s Community Safety Fund, which will provide a safer route for pedestrians and cyclists travelling between Chichester and Fishbourne.”

Commending Fishbourne Parish Council on its successful bid Mrs Bourne said: “As PCC I have a statutory responsibility for commissioning county-wide community safety and crime prevention programmes.

“The Emperor Way lighting project is a great example of an innovative local project that aims to make our communities safer.

“Since launching the Safer in Sussex Fund in December 2013, nearly £1.5 million has been allocated to support over 300 crime reduction and community safety initiatives.

“This money makes a real difference to local people and neighbourhoods. The high numbers of bids each time shows organisations and community groups are committed to keeping Sussex a safe place in which to live.”

To find out more about the funding made available to community groups by the Police & Crime Commissioner visit: