The full Parish Council meets every month (except April and August) at the Fishbourne Centre, Blackboy Lane, Fishbourne, PO18 8BE. Meetings are usually held on the third Monday evening of the month – see the agenda for times.

The Parish Councillors welcome input from all members of the community and everyone is welcome to attend meetings where the Council provides the opportunity for the public to ask questions on matters on the agenda.

Download the agenda for the next meeting and minutes from previous meetings below.

You are browsing Agendas and Minutes for the year 2025

Select time period to view meetings from:
Meeting DateMeeting TitleAgendaMinutesSupporting Documents
Mon 20th Jan, 2025Parish Council Meeting Download DRAFTView All
Mon 17th Feb, 2025Parish Council Meeting DownloadView All
Mon 17th Mar, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Thu 10th Apr, 2025Annual Residents’ MeetingNA
Mon 21st Apr, 2025Planning Meeting
Mon 19th May, 2025Annual Meeting of the Parish CouncilNA
Mon 16th Jun, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 21st Jul, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 18th Aug, 2025Planning Meeting
Mon 15th Sep, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 20th Oct, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 17th Nov, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA
Mon 8th Dec, 2025Parish Council MeetingNA