The Parish Council is not a Planning Authority, but under the Local Government Act 1972 is able to make observations to the Planning Authority upon applications in its Parish. The Planning Authority for Fishbourne is Chichester District Council.
You can view planning applications on the Chichester District Council Planning Portal, via the link on the right of this page.
Applications for Fishbourne are listed below and if you click on the ‘Reference’ this will take you to the relevant page on the Chichester District Council Planning Portal where you can view: the application; the plans; and any comments made by consultees, the Parish Council and members of the public.
Reference | Address | Description | Status | Parish Council Comments |
24/02629/TPA | Land South Of 57 To 65 Fishbourne Road West Fishbourne | Fell 1 no. Ash tree within Area, A1 subject to FB/99/00450/TPO | Pending Consideration | |
24/02571/TPA | Land At Mosse Gardens 2 To 26 Fishbourne | Crown reduce by 2m on 1 no. Ash tree (quoted as T6, TPO'd as T1) subject to FB/93/00441/TPO | Pending Consideration | |
24/02475/DOM | 4 Halfrey Close, Fishbourne | Two storey side extension and replacement rear roof to existing utility room. | Pending Consideration | NO COMMENT |
24/02382/EIA | Hillier Garden Centre Main Road Bosham | . Request for an EIA screening opinion in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017, as amended for proposed development at Hillier Garden Centre, Chichester comprising demolition of existing garden centre and construction of a new garden centre on enlarged site, with associated access, parking and landscaping. | Does not require an EIA | |
24/01806/DOM | 11 Halfrey Road Fishbourne | Single storey rear extension. | PERMIT | NO COMMENT |
24/02159/DOM | 37 Newport Drive Fishbourne | First floor side extension, ground floor side extension with covered way, front bay window, general elevation revisions, revised north east boundary wall position. | PERMIT | NO COMMENT |
24/01703/LBC | Salt Mill House Mill Lane Fishbourne | Replacement wall following collapse during storm. | Pending Consideration | NO COMMENT |
24/01702/DOM | Salt Mill House Mill Lane Fishbourne | Replacement wall following collapse during storm. | Pending Consideration | NO COMMENT |
24/01099/FUL | Lowood House 2 Old Park Lane Fishbourne | Use of an existing residential outbuilding as a holiday let (part-retrospective) with proposed associated external alterations, including replacement side extension, rear dormer and new fenestration. | Pending Consideration | NO COMMENT |
23/02861/FUL | Langley Cottage Clay Lane Fishbourne | 6 no. dwellings with access, landscaping and associated works including garaging and garden store. | Pending Consideration | NO OBJECTION BUT COMMENT |