Village Voice is Fishbourne’s local magazine (downloads available below). It is produced four times a year and is delivered by volunteers to every household in the Parish. It provides a wealth of news and information about the Parish including reports from the Council, local events and notices about services and facilities available in the village.

It is a great way to hear all about the latest news and is a ‘must read’ for all Fishbourne residents.

If there is an item you would like to include in the Village Voice or for advertising (prices below)  please contact the Clerk.

Advertisements are priced as follows for four quarterly editions:

  • 1/8 page colour inside page – £50
  • 1/4 page colour inside page – £100
  • 1/4 page colour back page – £115
  • 1/2 page colour back page – £230

For full information about advertising please download our Media Pack.

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