Vaccine rollout latest – 8 January 2021
Information from Chichester Alliance of Medical Practices (ChAMP) 05.01.21
We are pleased to advise that, subject to final site approval and the delivery to site of the vaccine itself, the Chichester Alliance of Medical Practices (ChAMP) will commence COVID Vaccination Clinics in the week commencing 11 January 2021, most likely starting midweek.
The first clinics will be held in The Selsey Centre, Manor Rd, Selsey, Chichester, PO20 0SE, which will be used to provide vaccinations to patients from all eight ChAMP Practices (Cathedral Medical Group, Langley House, Lavant Road, Parklands, Selsey, Southbourne Tangmere and Witterings). We hope to provide vaccinations from a second, more central, site in the next few weeks.
We realise that the Selsey location is not ideal for all patients but there were few options available that could accommodate the complex arrangements for the delivery of these vaccines; at least at this early stage, the ChAMP GP surgeries are not suitable.
The vaccination sites will be staffed by a mixture of local GP Practice staff, hospital staff and members of the public who have volunteered from the local community.
Full details now on local surgery sites:,59829.htm
A central ChAMP NHS Organisation will contact eligible patients directly to book them into the clinics. Please DO NOT contact your GP surgery as they will not be able to book you into this clinic.