Entries by Lucy Wright

Fishbourne goes a-wassailing!

On Sunday 18 January a fabulous Wassail took place at the Fishbourne Centre. This is an old English tradition to drink health to the trees to bring a good fruit […]

Do not flush wet wipes!

Drains in Fishbourne have had to be unblocked recently by Southern Water caused by wet wipes being flushed down the loo. Some wet wipes claim to be eco-friendly, but this […]

Romance Fraud in Sussex

Finding love and friendship online is increasingly popular. It can be highly enjoyable however, meeting new people this way does come with its own set of risks. One of the […]

Funding boost for Emperor Way lights

Fishbourne Parish Council has received a grant of £2500 from the Police & Crime Commissioner’s Community Safety Fund. The Fund provides grants up to £5,000 to local organisations and projects […]

Land north of Godwin Way – Appeal

An appeal has been lodged for the following application: Appellant’s Name: William Lacey Group Site Location: Land North Of, Godwin Way, Fishbourne, West Sussex Proposed Development: The development of 4 […]

Safety in the community

Do you feel safe in your local community. The Police and Crime Commissioner is conducting a survey to find out your views. Please take part https://forms.office.com/e/7bZZrdJC8n

Neighbourhood Plan Survey 2023

The Fishbourne Neighbourhood Plan is being reviewed and we are conducting a survey to take into account residents’ views for the revision. Please download the form below and either print […]