Bethwines Appeal Response
The most recent appeal for Bethwines Farm is for Change of use of the land (in perpetuity) from agriculture to natural grass and wetlands for nitrate offsetting. This application was received by Chichester District Council, but because the application does not require any work to be carried out on the land, the District Council did not consider it a valid application. This decision is being appealed by the applicant.
View the response of Fishbourne Parish Council to the Planning Inspector here>>>
If you want to write to the Planning Inspector about this appeal, you will need to do so via the Planning Inspectorate website. Go to and enter 3299202 in the Search for a Case box and then click Make Representation.
The appeal will be dealt with by way of the Written Representation procedure. This means that the appeal will be decided on written statements of the parties concerned and that no public hearing or public local inquiry will be held.
All representations must be received by 6 July 2022. Any representations submitted after the deadline will not usually be considered and will be returned. The Planning Inspectorate does not acknowledge representations. All representations must quote the appeal reference, APP/L3815/W/22/3299202 and FB/22/00142/FUL.
Information provided in your representation will be published. This may include your name and address, but personal telephone numbers, email addresses and signatures of individuals will be removed. If you object to publication in this way, please contact the Planning Inspectorate.
You can get a copy of one of the Planning Inspectorate’s “Guide to taking part in planning appeals” booklets free of charge from